
Reading is cool,
It’s simply the best!
So pick up a book,
And your life will be blessed.
Sam Sochacka ©2011
Sam Sochacka is an Aspiring Author, and a Children’s Literature and Literacy Advocate with extensive experience in teaching English as a Second Language (ESL) to both adults and children.  She loves the world of Children’s Literature and is blessed to be able to live in it on a daily basis.
          Sam is honoured to be an Advocate for Children’s Literature and Literacy, working with organisations such as Book Links – The Centre for Children’s Literature, The Children’s Book Council of Australia – QLD Branch and Write Links – a critique group for aspiring and emerging authors and illustrators.
Though she’s as tall as an adult,
and the age of one too
She often acts childish,
doing things that kids do.
This helps her so much
to think like a kid,
so check out her page,
you’ll love that you did.